At Kinder Croft, having clear policies in place is essential to ensure the safety, wellbeing, and development of every child in our care. As an outdoor forest nursery, we operate in a unique and dynamic environment, where policies provide guidelines for managing risks, protecting children from harm, and ensuring compliance with regulatory standards. These policies help foster a secure and structured learning environment, supporting our staff in providing high-quality care while promoting positive experiences in nature. Additionally, they ensure that we are transparent, accountable, and consistently meeting the needs of our families and the wider community.
Admissions, Settling, Transitions Policy
Data Protection and Confidentiality Policy
Inclusion, Equality and Diversity Policy
Promoting Positive Behaviour Policy
Staff Induction, Training and Development Policy
Toileting & Nappy Changing Policy
Risk Assessments
Risk assessments are an ongoing and essential process at Kinder Croft. Whenever we create a new activity, area, or apparatus, we undertake a thorough risk assessment. Whenever possible we involve the children in this process, to help them understand and learn to judge what is risky and what is safe around them. Over time we have found that they begin to do this naturally and are able to identify when things are safe and when they feel unsafe. We feel it is an excellent skill to learn in early years and will help children as they develop and move through life. Below are some of our Risk Assessments, we are continuously updating and adding more as our site grows.
Play Equipment Risk Assessment